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Hackathon rules


Internet Protection Society organizes a hackathon - a special format of competition where participants, united in several teams, work on solving problems within a certain period of time, these problems are chosen from those proposed by IPS and partners, or propose their own.


The tasks and projects must be related to the topic of Internet freedom and the fight against censorship in Russia. After the deadline, the participants present their projects and a jury selects the best ones. The winners receive a cash award and support for the development of their project.



No photography, video, audio or any other recording is permitted inside the premises. When filming outside the venue, ensure that only people who have given their clear and unambiguous consent to be photographed are in the frame.


Refrain from posting information about participants (including names and affiliations) unless you have received clear permission from them. This includes social media tagging.


Photography and videotaping will be conducted in designated areas by designated personnel only.



Wear your badge at all times and do not pass it on to others: our staff will keep order and only participants with badges will be allowed into the hackathon premises.

 © 2024 Internet Protection Society

  © 2024 OPS

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